"Reboot Needed" when running Vault Server installation system check
During the installation of any edition of Vault Server (Basic, Workgroup or Professional) the "ADMS System Check Report" returns a message that an 'Action is required. Click the corresponding link for help on how to resolve the issue'
Action Required: 1
Verifying that a reboot is not pending
'Reboot Needed'
Causes:In some cases, a legitimate system reboot is needed if there are Windows updates to install or if the Vault installer triggers updates to the .NET framework, for example.
Solution:Make sure the operating system that matches the Vault year in the Vault System requirements.
If, after a machine restart, the message persists, try the following solution.
Use the Windows Registry Editor, delete the "PendingFileRenameOperations" key:
NOTE: Backup your registry before editing.
1. From the Start Menu click Run and type "REGEDIT".
2. In Registry Editor, navigate to: ' HKey_Local_Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager'.
3. Delete the key: PendingFileRenameOperations.
4. Close Registry Editor.
5. Click the "Re-test" button in the Vault installation process to clear the error and complete the installation.