Hydraulic systems and hydraulic articles Handling

JUMU实名认证 发表于 2019-07-04 22:58 | 显示全部楼层 | 复制链接分享      上一主题  翻页  下一主题
1       Scope
Thisspecification is to be used for hydraulic articles whenever the manufacturingdocument refers to this specification.

2       Manufacture
2. 1
The  initial material shall be free from defects such as moulding sand, burrs,  etc., wich can affect the further machining and function and cleanness of the  finished article.
After  machining the parts shall be cleaned   so that no swarf or loose particles remain-this especially applies to  channels and cramped spaces.
Before  welding, hardening or other heating the parts shall be entirely free from oil  and grease since this can create carbon wich is difficult to remove.
After  welding, hardening or other heating the parts shall be cleaned so that even  channels and cramped spaces are clean.
After  painting and other surface treatment the parts shall be cleaned so that loose  remnants of surface treatment and unintentional surface treatment are  removed. Surfaces with high surface finish and with sharp corners shall be  inspected carefully.
Finished  machined parts shall be rinsed and blown clean with dry (filtered) air,  treated against rust with the prescribed rust inhibitant and protected from  contamination, e.g. by means of plastic plugs.
3       Assembly
Assembly shall only take place in a clean,  dry enviroment.
Tools,  clothes and hands shall be kept clean.

When  drying components, drying cloths which do not give off fluff shall be used.  Under no circumstances may twist be used.
If an  assembled component is not installed immediately after assembly all ports  shall be plugged and the component packed in, for example, a plastic bag.

4       Transports
4. 1
During  transports of hydraulic articles measures shall be taken to ensure that  articles are protected from mechanical damage, moisture and contamination.
Requirements  for protective packing shall be forseen.

Articles  in their packing shall be treated carefully so that no damage or  contamination arises.

5       Storage
5. 1
It is  forbidden to store hydraulic articles out of doors, in cold storage or in  dusty premises. Articles shall be placed in suitable packing.

6       Handlingof hydraulic oil
6. 1
Oil  filling of the Hydraulic Power Unit shall preferably be made by means of a  pump unit equipped with a full flow filter with a filtration grade of 10μm or  better.
Oil  filling of the Hydraulic Power Unit may only be made through the oil filling  connection,
i.e.  through the return oil filter.




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