
JUMU实名认证 发表于 2019-12-07 10:19 | 显示全部楼层 | 复制链接分享      上一主题  翻页  下一主题
*AutoCAD SHX or TTF to SolidWorks or Windows True Type font, mapping file
*Created: October 18, 2001

* file format: 3 columns, space delimited
* first column = AutoCAD *.shx or *.ttf font names,
* second column = SolidWorks or Windows installed *.ttf font names
* last column = SolidWorks->AutoCAD width adjustment factor
* All font names in the columns below must not contain file extensions.
* Font names in the right hand column must be SolidWorks or Windows installed True Type fonts.
* You can add fonts and rows to the mapping file.
* For any fonts in mapping file that are not installed, substitute default fonts are used.
* You can add comments to the mapping file. Comment lines must be prefaced with the asterisk (*) symbol.

complex  SWComp   0.97
gdt      SWGDT    0.825
* amgdt    SWGDT    0.825
* amgdtans SWGDT    0.825
gothice  SWGothe  0.97
gothicg  SWGothg  0.97
gothici  SWGothi  0.97
greekc   SWGrekc  0.97
greeks   SWGreks  0.97
isocp    SWIsop1  0.96
isocp2   SWIsop2  0.96
isocp3   SWIsop3  0.96
isoct    SWIsot1  0.97
isoct2   SWIsot2  0.97
isoct3   SWIsot3  0.97
italic   SWItal   0.85
italicc  SWItalc  1.0
italict  SWItalt  1.0
monotxt  SWMono   0.98
romanc   SWRomnc  0.97
romand   SWRomnd  0.97
romans   SWRomns  0.97
romant   SWRomnt  0.97
scriptc  SWScrpc  0.96
scripts  SWScrps  0.84
simplex  SWSimp   0.97
syastro  SWAstro  0.97
symap    SWMap    0.97
symath   SWMath   0.95
symeteo  SWMeteo  0.95
symusic  SWMusic  0.94
txt      SWTxt    0.96
implex Simplex 0.97
Arial Arial 0.97  
SansSerif SansSerif 0.97
Swis721 Swis721 0.97
宋体 宋体 0.85
新宋体 新宋体 0.85  
仿宋_GB2312 仿宋_GB2312 0.85
楷体_GB2312 楷体_GB2312 0.85
隶书 隶书 0.85
黑体 黑体 0.85

文件大小:895 Bytes





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